17 Aug 2021

Dear Year 12,
Year 12 students are no longer able to return to face-to-face learning this term and as a result, the HSC Trial Examinations at James Meehan HS have been cancelled.
The HSC Trial Examinations at JMHS will not be rescheduled. HSC students will receive a mark based on their coursework completed throughout the year.
Please remember that your teachers care for you and want the best for you.
I will be working with Head Teachers and Year 12 teachers to establish and implement a whole-school process to ensure that course marks are fair and equitable. Please note, that this will not disadvantage our students towards the successful completion of the Higher School Certificate.
For now, I think it is important that we all try to keep things in perspective.
Our current focus as a Year 12 Team is:
- encouraging students to continue working hard, and engaging with their teachers, whilst we are learning from home; and
- ensuring student wellbeing is prioritised.
There is a whole team of people at JMHS who are working hard and are ready, and willing, to support you.
To give everyone an opportunity to connect as a year group and clarify the plan going forward, we will be having a Zoom year meeting on Thursday 19 August 2021 at 10am. Link and passcode available in each of your Google Classrooms.
The meeting will cover information about your HSC Trial examinations, the HSC, post-school pathway opportunities, remote learning, formal and graduation. We hope to see you all there
Warm Regards,
Mr Bordado